Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Miss Ireland: 'We're so in love, we don't care what racists say about us'

Ahh, don't they make the cutest couple? Manners and Emma = Memmers. So cute. And boy has she been fed the obligatory "I don't care what color his skin is" happy pill ; and "I'm here to educate people on multi-culturalism" BS. Darling Emma - no, really, you don't need to educate me, but thanks for the offer. The picture below is about as much education that I can handle from you, along with the warm and tingly sensation I'm getting up my left leg when I think about your relationship. I hope you and Manners are very happy together. After all, Black African men make fine, upstanding, responsible citizens and he looks like just the type of guy any White woman would be proud to take home to daddy. And, as he says, he's a lucky man....enough salt to rub in a few wounds. Oh, and her grandmother is Swedish...do I REALLY need to say anything more? Give it a few years and a few Nigerian half-caste babies later (and of course Manners has done a runner, and not only to the local welfare office) and let's see just how happy she still is. You, my dear, deserve all that is coming to you. Enjoy!

Emma Waldron and Manners Oshafi have been dating for a year

Stunning Miss Ireland Emma Waldron told yesterday in a forthright interview how she will never let 'ignorant' racists affect her love for Nigerian boyfriend Manners Oshafi.

Emma, 21, has been the victim of a vicious internet campaign because of her relationship with a black man and was forced to report an online poster targeting her with hateful and abusive racist comments.

She recently found herself at the centre of a row after one person branded her 'disgusting' for dating a black man.

And the stunning brunette told the Irish Mail on Sunday in an exclusive interview how one person went so far as to set up an account to target the couple.

'One Twitter account was set up specifically to send me hateful comments.

'But I blocked them and reported them so I don't get the messages any more,' she said.

The couple - who have been dating for nearly a year - have even earned their own Brangelina-like portmanteau.

'We are a very strong couple and we don't really care what people think.

'We have not been affected at all by the remarks on Twitter as it just stems from people's ignorance,' said Manners.

Emma, who came fourth in the Miss World competition before Christmas, said that while she has encountered racism while out with Manners, 23, she refuses to let it get to her.

'I have experienced negative comments on nights out and on social networking sites but it doesn't bother me.

'I will never let someone's ignorance affect my love for Manners. He is the most amazing person I have ever met.

'What colour my skin is doesn't matter to him and what colour his skin is doesn't matter to me.

'What matters in friendship and love is the heart and soul of the person you are in a relationship with and his heart is so big and I'm lucky to be in it,' she said.

The Kildare beauty said while everyone is entitled to their opinion, she feels that now that Ireland is a multi-cultural society, people should be educated.

'I think that Ireland is so rich in many cultures and often times preconceived notions influence how people treat others who are of different colour, creed or sexuality.

'We need to help break down the barriers that sometimes build up in our homes, schools and society. The way to do this is by educating people.'

Emma said that her parents' openness and acceptance has had huge impact on her and her choices.

'My grandmother is Swedish and my dad is part-Italian, so as a family we have always been open,' she said.

'They love Manners and his family love me. There really is no issue of colour at all. He's just my boyfriend.'

Manners moved to Ireland eight years ago with his parents and four siblings. The family first settled in Athlone.

Emma, who carries out voluntary work with St Vincent de Paul, said that she feels compelled to speak out against bullies and racists.

Emma, who is first violin with the Hibernian Symphony Orchestra, said that people need to be educated on race and different cultures.

'I think it would be very naive of me to say that there is no racism in Ireland. Unfortunately there is.

'If you socialise with people from different races and cultures you are less likely to show hatred towards them. But it still exists. I think people should make an effort to know people different from you.'

The good-looking couple have just bought a Labrador called Herbie and say that while they are very happy together they have no plans to set up home just yet.

'Emma is terrific,' said Manners. 'We are different in some ways but in other ways we are like soul mates.

'We think the same way and sometimes will finish each other's sentences. But Emma is going back to college so we have no plans to move in just yet.'

The computer whizz also revealed that he has no problems with Emma's work as a model.

'Why would I? She always looks great in pictures. She is gorgeous. I'm a lucky man,' he laughed.


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