Tuesday, March 29, 2011

USA: Military indoctrinated on gays kissing, behavior

I don't understand the Left. Their totalitarian ideology is so off-putting to normal people that you have to wonder how they continue to influence lives around the world. In the UK, only 1% of people polled admit to being gay, so I'm guessing the figure is about the same in the USA. Yet, the loony Obambi-run government is ramming a gay agenda down the military's throat. Don't worry about the tanking economy, rampant unemployment, illegal immigration or the drug war South of the border - the most important thing on Obama's to-do list is to repeal the DADT policy and enforce a more gay-friendly defence force. I suppose the commanders will need to find time between bombing Libya and fighting in Afghanistan to read the propaganda material and then practise how to answer questions that will probably never be asked. Yes, Mr Obama is once again showing us what Affirmative Action appointees and White guilt brings to gullible people and hopefully a lesson will be learnt! Seems those 9 months Obama served as a Senator wasn't enough to groom him for being the POTUS. Who knew....


Four branches of the military have begun sending training material to 2.2 million active and reserve troops as a prelude to opening the ranks to gays, with instructions on, for example, what to do if an officer sees two male Marines kissing in a shopping mall.

Key themes are that sexual orientation will no longer be a bar to service, that all service members must respect each other, and that the partners of gay troops will not receive the benefits of heterosexual spouses.

“We are going to make [gay ban] repeal training expeditiously,” said Maj. Joel Harper, an Air Force spokesman at the Pentagon. “It’s great training.”

The briefings first target commanders, who will have to enforce the new law and deal with disputes, and then the entire force. The slides, vignettes and talking points by the Air Force, Army, Navy and Marine Corps are similar.

The Marine Corps, which a Pentagon survey found holds deep opposition to lifting the ban, plans to publicly release its training material April 1. A Marine source provided copies to The Washington Times.

The vignette about seeing two male Marines kissing is part of a list of scenarios to help instructors prepare commanders for incidents likely to arise.

“Situation,” it begins. “You are the Executive Officer of your unit. While shopping at the local mall over the weekend, you observe two junior male Marines in appropriate civilian attire assigned to your unit kissing and hugging in the food court.

“Issue: Standards of Conduct. Is this within standards of personal and professional conduct?”

The answer to Marines: “If the observed behavior crosses acceptable boundaries as defined in the standards of conduct for your unit and the Marine Corps, then an appropriate correction should be made. Your assessment should be made without regard to sexual orientation.”

The vignettes’ talking point states that commanders cannot rule a bar off limits simply because it caters to gays. Nor can commanders bar an off-duty homosexual from marching in civilian clothes in a gay-pride parade.

Read more here

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