Thursday, March 24, 2011

The Japanese road repaired SIX days after it was destroyed by quake

I think the Japanese are going to be fine......No thanks to the MSM carrying on about the almost non-existant nuclear 'catastrophe' - they chose to ignore the many dead from the actual Tsunami and instead focused on a minor radiation threat which has killed no one to date. I choose to focus on the dead and on how Japan is coping. Come on Haiti - this is how it's done.


The picture of gaping chasms in a Japanese highway demonstrated the power of the March 11 earthquake.

Now the astonishing speed of reconstruction is being used to highlight the nation’s ability to get back on its feet.

Work began on March 17 and six days later the cratered section of the Great Kanto Highway in Naka was as good as new. It was ready to re-open to traffic last night.

Many workers returned to their jobs the day after the quake and subsequent tsunami and some businesses in the worst-hit regions have already reopened.

The Japanese recovery has prompted some investors, including American Warren Buffett, one of the world’s richest men, to declare that the disaster which has left 23,000 dead or missing represents a ‘buying opportunity’ in the money markets.

Now you see it...: This stretch of the Great Kanto highway was wrecked by deep chasms in the March 11 earthquake - but was repaired in just six days


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