Thursday, January 27, 2011


A good post from AWD about the Black-pack attack mentality. I have seen countless video clips of these Black packs attacking innocent people and I've posted a few on this blog. These Blacks always hunt in a pack and never take someone on their own - real, true cowards. Click on the source link at the end of the post that will take you to the original post which contains a few video links.


We hear everyday the danger of fast food. Fast food is most certainly not healthy but the danger is compounded when black teens are in close proximity. The rapidly growing epidemic of out of control black teen thugs attacking innocent victims occurs more and more frequently and has struck once again.

A herd of five black teen females recently attacked a 42 year old single mother who worked at a Wendy’s in New York. The NY Daily News reported:
The gang of girls punched, kicked and slapped Michelle Ortiz, 42, in a wild melee in the Hillside Ave. fast-food joint in Queens Village on Jan. 21, cops said.
Ortiz, a single mother of five, suffered a concussion in the 5 p.m. beatdown.
“Animals acted better than they acted that night,” Ortiz told the Daily News. “They just kept hitting and hitting and hitting and kicking and punching me in the head. I was defenseless.”
Here’s the local news report of the incident:

Since the victims is Hispanic, won’t this be prosecuted as a hate crime? Naaaah! Shocking behavior from these black girls? Not really. Not anymore. Appaling? Yes. Shocking? No. Young blacks attack innocent people in packs like animals…exactly like the Wendy’s victim described them
What is the commonality in each of these and other attacks? Packs of young blacks. Rarely do we see an attack with one black youth against one single person. There always is the pack mentality and it’s occurring anywhere young blacks gather in groups. Remember the soldier just back from Afghanistan and his wife on a date who were attacked by a group of 300 outside of a movie for merely asking the black kids to stop talking on their cells during the show? His wife was knocked unconscious by a black teen male.

The other commonality is the other people who witness these attacks rarely come to the help of the victim. Doesn’t basic humanity dictates helping those in need? I believe it does! Yet people are scared and don’t get involved. I can’t imagine standing idly by and not helping a victim.

It is indisputable at this point that one way to drastically reduce your chances of being attacked is to avoid large groups of black youth. Many are feral monsters who have no respect for anything or anyone and behave and live as animals. They have been raised without any respect for authority or rules. Nothing is sacred to them. Violence comes easy. Plus, political correctness and racism in the ghetto black community has instilled in them a total hatred for white people.

I blame all of this violence on the black community and white liberals. Irresponsible breeding by teen mothers has left black children without fathers. These children run wild and without discipline. As they mature, bad decisions they make concerning education, crime and violence lock them into a world of poverty and ignorance. This is not the fault of society! This is the fault of black society and white liberals! Yet we all must suffer the consequences!

White liberals with their poisonous political correctness have instilled into the black community a sense of victim hood and a dependence on government. This has sapped the pride of achievement from the ghetto black community and created generations who have virtually no skills, ambition or humanity. Maybe the intentions of white liberals was noble in providing cradle to grave welfare but, in reality, they basically destroyed many in the black community and created generations of violent, uneducated dependents.

Jesse Jackson famously said years ago he is relieved to see white faces approach him on the street instead of those of blacks. His reasons are the same as everyone else in society. Blacks in numbers must be feared because of their propensity towards violence. Yet a white person saying those very words will be immediately labeled a racist by the left. It’s time to ignore the ruse!

I have often said the most difficult thing to be in America is a responsible, hard-working black person. Whites, by the very reasons discussed in this article, tend to be suspicious and ghetto blacks ostracize responsible blacks from their community. I have great respect for such people and am honored to have many black friends who walk this difficult road.

What to do? White people must learn to be vigilant when around large numbers of black youth. We must also be prepared to defend and protect ourselves. I have a concealed carry, my mother has a concealed carry, my 21 year old daughter has a concealed carry permit. I gave my daughter a .380 for her purse for Christmas. I refuse to be a victim and have tried to teach my children the same. I would not stand idly by as some poor innocent was being stomped to death by a bunch of monsters…no matter what the color of the victim or the monsters!

The epidemic of black youth violence will only get worse. These stories are largely ignored by the national media. But we must forget about political correctness and do what’s right. It is time all good people to stand up to these animals! Here’s one guy who did stand up for himself and did pretty good for himself! Maybe this is why black kids don’t fight one on one!

So watch your calories when you’re in a fast food restaurant but watch for Shaniqua and LaShontae even closer!

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