Friday, January 28, 2011

Actor Tracy Morgan OpenIy Fantasizes About Sarah Palin On TNT, Says She's Nothing More Than "Masturbation Material"

A Black American actor, Tracy Morgan, said on TNT that Sarah Palin is "good masturbation" material. Really?? Let's wait for the MSM media's outrage in 5,4,3,2,1......Nope - nothing.... Guess it's ok to speak about her in this way in liberal America. It's only when Conservatives say things like this that would get a reaction. It's also, apparently ok for Black men to talk about White women in this way. Now, wonder what would happen if a White actor had said that about Michelle Obama (not that anyone would cause she's ugly)?

The old stereotype about all Black men secretly lusting after White women was publicly resurrected during TNT's pre-game "Inside The NBA" segment prior to the January 27th contest between the New York Knicks and the Miami Heat. Actor Tracy Morgan had been invited onto the show by analysts Kenny Smith and Charles Barkley in hopes that the comedian could settle an argument, namely, who was better-looking: Morgan's "30 Rock" co-star Tina Fey or Sarah Palin. At the 0:32 minute point of the video embedded below, Morgan said "Yo, let me tell you something about Sarah Palin. She's good masturbation material. The glasses and all of that…great material."

Notice how the two Black analysts, Charles Barkley and Kenny Smith, laughed uproariously, while the token White analyst, Ernie Johnson, tolerated in the new Black-dominated NBA environment primarily to pay lip service to diversity, appeared to be somewhat discomfited. But he wasn't about to dare to speak out, of course.

Within minutes, after being deluged with outraged phone calls and emails, TNT issued an apology. "It's unfortunate Morgan showed a lack of judgment on our air with his inappropriate comments," said Turner spokesman Jeff Pomeroy in a statement. But of course, since Morgan is not a TNT employee, he cannot be fired.

Sarah Palin herself has chosen not to react to this incident, probably conscious of the fact that a January 20th CNN story held that she may be turning people off by overexposure. She did publish a powerful rebuttal to Obama's State of the Union address. On Conservatives4Palin, one person noted that "Despite the apology, this episode isn’t going to help the NBA broaden its appeal beyond urban liberals". C4P hasn't moved beyond the orchestrated "righty-lefty" split yet. The elite continue to deliberately promote the so-called "righty-lefty" split as a mechanism to deflect Americans, particularly the White community, from thinking about race, along with the fact that race replacement is taking place in the United States. Or, at the very least, to cow people into believing that such replacement is inevitable, natural, and even desirable.

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