Thursday, February 24, 2011

'No One Should Live Below A Certain Income Level,' U.N. Secretary-General Says

Praise the Lord for the UN! What would we do without these communists "social justice" martyrs?? They only need 2% of global GDP to ensure that everyone on planet Earth lives comfortably in cloud lala-land with the other lefty socialists, unicorns and fairies. But, darn, my logical brain just doesn't understand how this is going to be implemented so that everyone going forward will live in this utopia forever- maybe someone can help me out? According to the UN, we all reach utopia when everyone is GIVEN basic services and a "decently" paying job. Just how does the UN think that giving services, food and money to people who haven't worked for it in the first place, is going to work long term? Nations will just stop working because the UN is going to give them free money, free sanitation, free food, free EVERYTHING so that we all can feel good about ourselves. But just who is going to foot this enormous bill? Last I looked, when you get anything for free you tend to not to want to pay for it the next time round and you get LAZIER. But, hey, that's just my ignorance shining through! I'm sure the UN knows what's best for us! Yes, third worlders and Islam nations, continue popping out those kiddies - the UN and the stupid, gullible West will fund your upkeep. Heck, I'm going to return to work right now so that I can work harder for your free everything! And to think this Ban Ki-Moonbat is being serious...

The United Nations, which marked a "World Day of Social Justice" on Sunday, Feb. 20, is calling for a "new era" in which all the people of the world have access to basic services and "decently" paying jobs.

According to the U.N., 80 percent of the world’s people lack “adequate social protection.”

To eliminate the problem, the U.N. is trying to establish what it calls a global "social protection floor." Such a “floor” would guarantee food security, health services for all, and old-age pensions for the 80 percent of the world’s people believed to lack such protections.

In his message urging “social justice for all,” U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said, “No one should live below a certain income level, and everyone should have access to essential public services such as water and sanitation, health and education.”

Juan Somavia, the U.N.’s International Labour Organization (ILO) director-general, said the recent protests in the Middle East show the linkage between social justice and national stability: “As Tunisia and Egypt are showing us, jobs and justice, bread and dignity, protection and democracy, national and global security are not unrelated demands,” Somavia said in his message ahead of World Social Justice Day. “What happens in the future will very much depend on whether the connections are recognized and acted upon.”

Somavia said “decent employment opportunities” are a “vital plank” in achieving social justice. He noted that more than 200 million people are unemployed worldwide, including nearly 80 million young people.

The ILO says it would “only take 2 percent of global GDP” [gross domestic product] to provide security systems for all the world’s poor.

Delegations from all 183 ILO member nations are scheduled to meet in June to draw up a long-term strategy for establishing a “social protection floor.”

That floor would rest on four “entitlements,” the U.N. said, as follows:
-- basic income security for children;
-- access to some social assistance for people of working age that prevents them from falling into absolute food poverty;
-- a basic old-age pension for people over a certain age;
-- and essential health services for all.


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