Friday, February 25, 2011

At last, a Union leader who is honest - “It’s not because we care about the children”

Ahhh, my favorite institution to hate - Unions. Unions to me are an enigma and I really can't understand how anyone with one working brain cell can belong to one. Each month you pay your dues to your union, who then act on your behalf by negotiating once a year with your employer regarding your salary, perks and bonuses etc. These dues are then used by the unions to pull the strings of the political party that is in THEIR best interest - not yours! So, whether you agree with the unions politics or not, they get to use your own money, in some instances, against you. All the time, they get richer and richer on the back of your hard work - for really doing nothing except fighting with your employer once a year and schmoozing politicians - all done in a fancy suit bought by your money. And I'm not talking little money - it's millions and in some cases billions worth of political clout. And then when they don't get their way, they ask you to strike and lose pay! What an incredible scam. I can't understand why employees don't rather form a staff association to discuss salaries with employers. It would cost nothing and you'd probably get a better deal without all the trouble. Unions are the scourge of the working world and have a lot to account for. In the clip below is an honest union leader, who admits that unions are good advocates because they have power, bought with hundreds of millions in forced union dues, annually. Watch how, once he's admitted it isn't "about the children", the brain-dead wankers stand and clap for him - as if he's just revealed the secret to the universe. He probably could have admitted to killing 2000 people and they'd still be in their liberal trances, clapping away. Nuff said.


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