Friday, December 31, 2010

Why immigration doesn't help world poverty

Have a look at this brilliant gumball video by Roy Beck which visually explains why mass immigration into the USA (and obviously other Western countries) doesn't work to lessen world poverty. Hey - even those intellectual liberals will be able to understand this as it's simple! As conservatives know, these "immigrants" have to HELP THEMSELVES and not be encouraged by handouts and back-door immigration from the West to leave their countries for greener welfare pastures. FYI - Africa now has over 1 Billion people. In 1980 there were 500 million and it is predicted that by 2050 there will be 2 billion people in Africa. This is a lesson to liberal idiots that by assisting these people with food aid and money, it's causing their numbers to artificially increase against what nature intended, which means they will be invading the West en mass from now until the end of mankind, always seeking "asylum" from some or other injustice. Let's not mention what the Indian and Chinese population will look like by 2050. Yet, the West is expected to save all these "poor" people from themselves. To acquiesce to eventual third-world colonisation is foolish enough, but to aid and abet them with our foolish multiculturalism (multi-racialism) “principles” at the expense of our own people is racial suicide. European pioneers (not immigrants!!) and their descendants — who through blood, sweat and tears — were the very people who built the modern national infrastructure from the ground up — and this occurred in only a few hundred years. Why are we expected to look after the rest of the world as well? Can they not look and learn? Oh and BTW - the White race makes up only 8% of the world population...

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